Six months motorbike travel around South America and subsequent visits to Mexico opened my eyes and heart to a way of living connecting us on a twenty-four-hour basis to the beauty of nature’s seasons, sounds, patterns, rich hues and moods. We parked our bikes inside many and varied inner courtyard homes, hotels, pensions and shacks. The sky, the ever present ceiling of our beautiful planet. Living inside out or outside in. The vivacious, often clashing colours of South American textiles strongly influenced my recreation of spaces, complimenting this style of living and to which I eventually realized a dream of constructing my own inner courtyard home on the shores of the Indian Ocean.
Having grown up between East Africa and Ibiza, I was again inspired by the ancient stonework of Ibiza’s famous Old Town, harbor and intricate terraced agricultural fields. Since those pre-15th century times, many cultures attracted to this beautiful island have left their mark - Roman, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Moroccan and more recently South American, Indonesian and African. All have merged together to create an enlightening and unique style entirely of its own, from which one can take away whatever mix appeals and creates one’s own unique blend.
Morrocco is soulfood to creativity. I found its multitude of past craftsmanship, vibrancy of rich history and culture hugely seductive and appealing for recreating interiors and exteriors. Coordinating these spaces with stonewashed backdrops of nature’s beauty - a feast for the senses! Morocco’s rich, earthy colors of saffron’s , rusty pinks and blues blend beautifully with nature’s backdrops and lift one’s spirits at every corner and turn in the myriad souks, Riyadh’s and Medina’s.